School Supplies

Hey Guys!

You read the title and you guessed right about what this page is, the Supplies that you need for this class!

Here is the list:

1 Subject 70 sheets college ruled notebook

1 pink or Red folder

12 #2 pencils

1 thing of clear tape

2 red pens

1 blue pen

2 Boxes of Tissues

1 tiny bottle of your own hand sanitizer 

1 flash drive (Email about it's info.) 

12 Colored pencils (Basic colors; red, blue, green, white, brown, yellow, black, and Turquise or light blue)  

1 brown marker

1 pink or red marker

1 marshmellow 


That is all we need for now. Please check this list weekly. I will be putting on new supplies every once in while, because of  new project or Chapter. I will let you know a week in advance so it will be easier to get the supply :)

I will also post on my blog, if I have the supplies list updates :)

Thank you,

Mrs. S! :)